Accueil > Kits de Diagnostic > Respiratory Infections IR

Respiratory Infections IR

Infections respiratoires IR

24 targets

  • 15 bacteria
  • 7 virus
  • 2 fungi

Respiratory tract infections are the leading cause of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions, which can represent 27 to 75% of their use depending on the country. It is possible to limit them by using molecular diagnostic techniques to quickly detect a panel of several responsible bacteria and provide a better understanding of the pathogenesis of certain infections.

The DendrisKIT IR panel makes it possible to identify in a single test the presence of 24 pathogens responsible for upper and lower respiratory infections.

1 CC Butler K Hood T Verheij Variation in antibiotic prescribing and its impact on recovery in patients with acute cough in primary care : Prospective study in 13 countries. BMJ 2009 (338) [Medline]